91-8951064694 Sargi10@yahoo.co.in

Website content is content writing, sure. But it is the form of web content writing that comes closes to copywriting.


Gosh, please stop saying ‘writing’. Trust me, I feel the same way.

Except that website content isn’t quite W-R-I-T-I-N-G in the strictest sense.

The writer brainstorms with the clients first, then with self. Over and over until each word is a nugget of meaning. A powerhouse of significance that pulls its weight and more.


In website content, more than other forms of content writing, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The parts itself may be few – but they convey a world of ideas.

They espouse a philosophy, the send out a clarion call of a message. Still, it hides its claws in the tone of voice that everyone wants to hear. Subtlety and boldness intermingle. The words are there, but the blend into the page. They flirt with the reader. Oh yes, tech-geeks, they incorporate your painstaking keyword-research too; with intent.

I’d point out here that I don’t write website content around the keywords. I could, but here my tone, my message take precedence. I’ll take your keywords as a suggestion. Give me your keyword mapping and density, and I’ll take it under advisement.

They sell but do not hard-sell. They sweep the reader to the Call-To-Action.