91-8951064694 Sargi10@yahoo.co.in

Blog-style writing is fun. You have a lot of freedom, you can add links as you please, you can optimize it for SEO or not.

Check out a blog-style article I wrote about chair cushions. It reads well and it makes sense to both the search engine and the human reader.

Blog-style is less formal, more personal in tone. ‘I’, ‘you’ are commonly used and personal anecdotes are welcome.

Not all blogs offer references. My example does. Note that you can also add citations or referral links right in the body.

A good posture while sitting is important for many reasons. Supportive chair cushions help you get there. They promote blood circulation and let the skin remain sweat-free. Individuals spend most of their waking hours on their feet or seated. This means seat cushions and their quality affect a considerable part of your comfort. The quality of work and productivity through the day is determined by these seemingly-mundane attributes of an individual’s lifestyle.

What to look for when buying chair cushions?

Pay attention to:

  • Quality of fabric covering the seat cushions: This should ideally be cotton. A breathable fabric cover lets the user’s skin remain comfortable for prolonged periods. It also prevents redness, irritation and stretched skin.
  • Lumbar support offered by the cushion: This can come in the form of a seat cushion, lumbar roll, or pad. It allows additional comfort by supporting the sensitive muscles of the neck and spine.
  • Thickness of foam padding: Some types of foam-padding comes with gel-infusion or memory foam. The thickness of the padding also dictates how long the foam retains its shape.

Considering inflatable chair cushions?

This is not a bad idea, especially if you plan to use them in a vehicle such as a car or a baby’s pram. They are portable, and storage is a no-brainer once these items are deflated.

Is it worth buying in bulk?

Depending on your seating space, you can buy in bulk. This way, there are higher chances of getting uniform style and patterns that go well together.

Should the cushion follow a theme?

If your living room already has a theme – think minimal, or earthy-toned, you can diverge from this theme through cushions to create an item of interest in color and texture.

Chair cushions can be both functional and aesthetically-pleasing. Leverage the benefits by taking care to buy ones that suit the seating space.

Ref links:


Seat Cushions

Leg Rest Pillow



Types of content I write: Blog-style, business-article style, and freestyle, among others.

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