91-8951064694 Sargi10@yahoo.co.in

I call it SEO within articles. Ideally SEO is within every article you write or get written for the web.

All the keyword research that you, the business owner, has done is useful here. If you hired someone to plan your content strategy, they would have given you a list of keywords to ‘target’. They would also give you search volume numbers that tell you how the keyword density should be. Do too much and your article is stuffed with more keywords and less meaning.

The primary keyword, for instance, should appear in your article title, and within the first few words of the article body. Secondary and LSI keywords can appear in your sub-headings, preferably with appropriate tags – think H1, H2 and so on.

In addition to these tags which point the search engine spider to the focal points of your content’s quality, you should also write out meta descriptions and a meta tag for each web page/content piece you submit to the crawler.

SEO is an indispensable part of your web content creation. Leave the keyword incorporation to me, your writer.